Harvard College

The Individual. The College. The World.


  • Communications Strategy
  • Institutional Messaging
  • Web Writing

In preparation for organizational shifts that would join multiple offices and departments under a unified Dean of Students Office, Harvard College engaged Libretto to create an institutional messaging platform that would bring the College’s public-facing communications into alignment and expand upon the existing mission.

Libretto conducted multiple days of on-campus interviews with College leadership, faculty, staff, and students, and deployed a survey to a selection of undergraduates. The resulting platform includes an expression of the College’s mission that elaborates on the ways in which Harvard delivers on their promise of intellectual, social, and personal transformation, and a series of messages organized into three categories—The Individual, The College, and The World—representing the expanding spheres of influence generated by a Harvard education.

We concluded our messaging engagement by facilitating a training workshop for communications staff from offices across the College, familiarizing them with the messaging platform and leading a series of exercises to put the messaging to use.

In addition to creating the toolkit, Libretto wrote many pages of content for the College’s website, implementing and adapting the messaging for a public-facing setting.